Friday, February 17, 2012


I recently read an interesting article about HP's OS becoming open source much like Google's Android. As I read the article, I thought about the value curve and how HP's OS would fit on it. I think when looking for an OS for a mobile device, users want (among other things) something reliable, competitively priced, and with a plethora of available apps. Apple and Google both offer quite reliable OS's so it is doubtful that HP's OS will have any advantage in that dimension. Google makes its Android OS available for free much like HP is planning to do with its, so it really has no advantage there either. Finally, the app offerings for both Apple's OS and Android are very similar and far outnumber the offerings of any other competitor which means that HP has a significant disadvantage in this dimension. After considering this value curve, it seems to me that there is no real reason for HP to continue supporting its OS and dumping resources into a project that is destined to fail. The market has no need for it since it is not offering anything that isn't already available. Perhaps HP could find a way to make it's OS provide more value to the consumer, but until they do, I have serious doubts that this project will be successful.

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